Our Name

“Liberti” is a Latin word for “freed people.”

Calling our church “Liberti” identifies us as people who are experiencing the deepest longing of the human spirit: liberation from sin and death, which Christ provides.

In John chapter 8 Jesus says, “If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” Jesus frees us from our sins and from ourselves so that instead of living selfishly, we are liberated to love God and love others.

Our Purpose

Liberti Church seeks to live, speak and serve as the very presence of Christ for the Tampa Bay region, that together we might enjoy and share the freedom of His Gospel.


We believe that Jesus Christ lived the life we should have lived and died the death we deserved to die. His resurrection from the dead is the central fact of both human history and personal meaning in life.

We believe that by trusting in him and letting go of our self-saving efforts and strategies, we find life, meaning, joy, and purpose.

We are a people who are finding freedom and life as we are learning to trust Jesus, let go of our unbelief and fear, and find joy in the mission that he calls us to.

Our family of churches recognizes certain historic confessions, catechisms, and creeds, such as the Westminster Confession of Faith, the 1689 London Baptist Confession, The Heidelburg Catechism, The Belgic Confession of Faith, The Canons of Dort, the Apostles Creed, the Nicene Creed, which the Church has affirmed across the centuries as helpful summaries of the essence and activity of God. 

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WE Value


Jesus frees us to love God.

All of life is worship. We are all worshippers, the difference is who or what we worship.

Because we were created for worship, when we do not worship God, we worship other finite things; we set our hearts on relationships, careers, money, accomplishments, approval, comfort, power. Proper worship is directed toward God. Instead of seeing our affections on other, lesser things - which ultimately degrade and dehumanize - we devote ourselves to God.

Gathered worship is the center of the Christian life. Each Sunday, Christians around the world gather to remember and rehearse the freedom we have received through his death and resurrection.


Jesus frees us to love each other.

The Church is not an event or a place, but a people. Among the many biblical metaphors for the Church are a body (1 Cor. 12:12-26), a family (Gal. 6:1-2, 10), and a community (Acts 2:42-47). 

The Christian life was never meant to be pursued alone. So we are committed to loving, caring for, and encouraging each other.

In addition to our Sunday worship services, we have weekly Bible Study Groups and numerous other opportunities to build and strengthen relationships.


Jesus frees us to love our neighbor.

Christian mercy is rooted in the awareness that we are all recipients of God’s mercy through Jesus Christ – a mercy that we’ve done nothing to earn or deserve.

In both our words and actions, we seek to model the selfless love of Jesus and point others to the same mercy we are so dependent upon.

Furthermore, we spur one another on toward a lifestyle of service and mercy by dreaming about what this region could become through the faithful presence of God’s people.